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Event Highlights: Dr. Sayed and SprinJene at So Let's Shop

Event Highlights: Dr. Sayed & SprinJene at So Let's Shop

Launched by the Modern Day Wife founders Meagan Elieff and Meghan Fialkoff, the So Let's Shop event on December 1, 2023, was a spectacular intersection of glamour and wellness. The event featured the esteemed presence of Dr. Sayed Ibrahim, CEO, and Owner of SprinJene Natural®, along with other influential figures in Business & Entrepreneurship, Beauty & Wellness, and Fashion & Lifestyle.

Hosted at the luxurious SLS Beverly Hills Hotel, the event was a celebration of the holiday spirit, bringing together elements of holiday shopping, brand experiences, holiday card photo opportunities, speaker panels, a fashion show, and networking opportunities. The Modern Day Wife founders curated a unique experience that emphasized pillars like Fashion, Beauty, Wellness, and Lifestyle.


Dr. Sayed Ibrahim as a Panelist

Dr. Sayed Ibrahim as panel during the So Let's Shop event

Dr. Sayed Ibrahim, CEO, and Owner of SprinJene Natural®, graced the So Let's Shop event as a distinguished panelist speaker. His valuable contributions enriched discussions on Beauty & Wellness, Fashion & Lifestyle, and Business & Entrepreneurship. SprinJene Natural®'s journey and its innovative approach to oral health provided attendees with unique insights into natural oral care, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding. Dr. Sayed's engaging presence extended beyond the panel discussions, as there was a dedicated Question and Answer portion where the audience had the opportunity to pose questions directly to him. 


Dr. Sayed Ibrahim with Miss Cassandra McClure

This interactive session allowed attendees to glean personalized advice and information, making the event not just informative but participative and memorable. His contributions and direct engagement with the audience added a distinctive flavor, making the event truly special.


SprinJene Booth - A Highlight for Attendees

SprinJene Booth during the So Let's Shop

The SprinJene Natural® booth offered attendees an immersive experience into the world of innovative oral care. At the booth, visitors had the opportunity to explore and purchase SprinJene Natural®'s cutting-edge toothpaste products, each crafted with a commitment to natural ingredients and optimal oral health.


Dr. Sayed and others snapped photos at the SprinJene booth during the So Let's Shop event.

Dr. Sayed Ibrahim, the visionary behind SprinJene Natural®, was personally present at the booth, adding a special touch to the experience. His hands-on engagement allowed attendees to not only peruse the product offerings but also engage in meaningful conversations about oral health. Dr. Sayed's presence served as an invaluable resource, as attendees could delve into the science behind SprinJene Natural®'s formulations, gain insights into the benefits of natural ingredients, and receive personalized recommendations based on their unique needs.

The booth became more than a point of sale; it transformed into an educational hub where attendees could deepen their understanding of oral wellness. Dr. Sayed's passion for promoting natural oral care was palpable, creating an atmosphere where learning and shopping seamlessly converged. The SprinJene Natural® booth, with Dr. Sayed at its helm, not only showcased exceptional products but also fostered a sense of community and shared commitment to a healthier, more natural approach to oral hygiene.


Event Highlights Beyond SprinJene

In addition to Dr. Sayed Ibrahim's impactful presence, the So Let's Shop event, spearheaded by Modern Day Wife founders Meagan Elieff and Meghan Fialkoff, offered a dynamic blend of glamour and wellness. The panel discussions, featuring TV Star Jennie Garth, Lauren Sturman, Cassandra McClure, and others, explored Beauty & Wellness, Fashion & Lifestyle, and Business & Entrepreneurship. 

Attendees enjoyed a Fashion Show, Modern Holiday Beauty Lounge, and exclusive networking opportunities. The interactive Q&A sessions allowed the audience to engage with panelists, including Dr. Sayed Ibrahim. In conclusion, the event celebrated the Modern Day Woman, leaving a lasting impact on beauty, wellness, and lifestyle.

Dr. Sayed and others snapped photos at the So Let's Shop event.

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